XSL transformation for semantic markup

This page presents a simple semantic structure: a title, 4 paragraphs, 2 hyperlinks, a bullet point list, one word marked strong, and a block of text with emphasis. We wish to enrich the semantic markup of the page for certain words or expressions which are part of a specific vocabulary. We dispose of another web page (file lexicon.html) which lists this specific vocabulary. The XSL transformation (semark.xsl file) enables the implementation on a given web page of a specific markup for each expression featured in the lexicon.

This process is made possible by the use of web pages in the XHTML format. The transformation takes place on all XML files which are correctly formed. An XHTML web page is a XML file, the same is not true of a HTML web page.

Here's a brief text for the demo. XHTML is a language built on XML syntax, a standard defined by the W3C. We encourage you to get to know W3C's work and notably:

Specific comments for those using this demonstration on a client's computer:
The .xml extension of this page is solely intended to lead users to apply the XSL transformation for the demonstration. If you rename the page, with a .htm extension for example, you will see it in its original form before markup.
NB: the sought after effect is visible when this page is read using a browser with a XSLT processor. Mozilla is a good example. Internet Explorer, in its recent versions, also has this function (however IE's processor is much slower).